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Merchant's Room : Helen Butler

1 - 31 March 2023

 -  by Linda Fitzpatrick Exhibitions Merchant’s Room

Merchant's Room : Helen Butler
Merchant's Room : Helen Butler

Life : Past and Present, Land and Loch

A collection of works showing life around Scotland and a historic view into the fishing industry

Merchant’s Room 1st – 31st March

Free to Waves Café Customers, Closed on Tuesdays

We’re pleased to welcome Helen Butler, an artist from Argyll, to display her work in our Merchant’s Room community art gallery for the fist time and tell the inspiring story behind her art. Helen had suspected meningitis at 11 months old which caused scar tissue on the brain triggering seizures at age nine. In her 20s the seizures became more aggressive, Helen suffered up to 25 fits a week and was left with horrible injuries including a broken nose and collarbone. In 2018, Helen underwent brain surgery at Queen Elizabeth hospital, ince when, she has been seizure free. She has now completed major milestones like passing her driving test and has been focusing on her paintings, a selection of which she donated to the hospital that gave her her freedom back.

Helen started painting again shortly after her operation. The artist told us,

“I went to art college when I was younger and used my paints that I haven’t used for 18 years. It feels so good to give a positive story to other people going through the surgery route. The operations sound really daunting but since I have been through that journey I can show other people through my art that it can be a good thing. I painted a seahorse about a month after the surgery and gave it to my neurosurgeon during my first check-up. Then I got the tattoo of the painting on my arm, it was in a way a tribute to my surgery and reminds me of my new life now. I decided to donate more paintings to the hospital because I wanted to tell my story in a positive way and say thanks. I hope it helps other people.”

The selected works include etchings, paintings and pyrography and bring a splash of colour as we welcome spring. A selection of Helen’s cards is also available in the Museum Shop.

The Scottish Fisheries Museum Trust Ltd
St Ayles, Harbourhead, Anstruther, Fife KY10 3AB
Tel (within UK): 01333 310628
Tel (from outside UK): +44 1333 310628
Charity Number: SC 006185 VAT Reg Number: 270 2790 64
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